Colors Options

These settings allow you to customize the color scheme of various elements of your site.

General Colors

This section allows you to set the general colors used across your site.

  • Primary color
    • Used for primary buttons, links, important call-to-action elements, and highlights.
  • Primary hover color
    • Used for hover effects on primary elements.
  • Primary contrast color
    • Contrast color to the primary color. If your primary color is dark – provide a light color here and vice versa.
  • Secondary color
    • Used for secondary buttons, accents, and complementary elements.
  • Secondary hover color
    • Used for hover effects on secondary elements.
  • Secondary contrast color
    • Contrast color to the secondary color. If your secondary color is dark – provide a light color here and vice versa.
  • Light color
    • Used for elements on dark backgrounds or for subtle accents.
  • Page background color
    • Main background color for the website, providing a neutral backdrop.

Content Colors

This section allows you to customize the colors specifically for the content area of your site.

  • Text color
    • Sets the color of the text within the content area.
  • Secondary text color
    • Sets the color of the secondary elements, such as meta data, captions etc.
  • Heading color
    • Sets the color of the headings (H1-H6).
  • Outline color
    • Used for outlining focused or selected elements, providing visual emphasis.
  • Content background color
    • Background color for the various content areas, such as sidebars, posts grid, comments.
  • Border color
    • Used for borders around elements such as buttons, forms, or containers.

Header Colors

This section allows you to customize the colors specifically for the header area of your site.

  • Menu item color
  • Menu item hover color
  • Header background color

Footer Colors

This section allows you to customize the colors specifically for the footer area of your site.